Projects from 2017
In February of 2017, the results of the needs assessment was presented at the Community Forum. To view a presentation of this report, click here. Ottawa Urban Indigenous Health Alliance – February 2017
In response to the needs assessment an alliance of Indigenous and non-Indigenous health partners was formed. Using 1-time funding secured from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care by Ottawa Public Health, several actions to improve Indigenous cultural safety have been initiated:
Catalyst Research and Communications conducted a survey of Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations to determine the extent to which Indigenous cultural safety training (ICST) is available and accessed by health service providers in Ottawa. Results showed a strong local commitment, a wide variety of learning opportunities, and the need for resources that specifically promote Indigenous-focused anti-racism.
Three videos for health practitioners:
Akusiviak Inuit Family Health Team and Ottawa Inuit Children's Centre co-produced an educational video for health care professionals aimed at improving health outcomes for Inuit in the Champlain region by highlighting the necessary qualities of culturally safe health care services and settings.
The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) committed to producing a video on wise practices and culturally safe approaches when engaging with Métis peoples.
Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health has created a short video that capture the negative stereotypes, racism and discrimination experienced by First Nations, Inuit and Métis community members in Ottawa, as well as the personal and professional story of Dr. Thomas Dignan, an Indigenous physician. These learning resources will be integrated into Wabano’s current cultural safety training modules.
Ottawa Inuit Children’s Centre (OICC) organized bus tour that took 33 mainstream health service providers, managers and Board of Health members, to several local First Nation, Inuit and Métis agencies. The evaluations from the event indicated that the tour was a big success – e.g., participants left with a much better understanding of the community, the available services and culturally-appropriate resources, referral process, and practices that promote cultural safety.
Projects 2018
Sharing Our Stories
The OAC and Wabano decided to combine their work and undertake a joint research project, through an integrated research team, with the following scope:
First Nation, Inuit and Métis (FNIM) community members.
Parents of FNIM children who experienced indigenous specific racism and/or discrimination in health care.
Staff and clients of Indigenous organizations.
FNIM not serviced by Indigenous organizations
b. Health Care System – Champlain LHIN
Ottawa, Renfrew and Cornwall.
Hospitals, Community Health Centres, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Community Support Services.
The research project ‘Sharing Our Stories’ with two purposes:
Collect baseline data on health care practices in the region,
Use real stories as learning moments in training for health care personnel.
Work proceeded over the course of the year, and 178 stories were collected from First Nation, Inuit and Métis community members, by research assistants who were Wabano staff and trained to undertake the interviews. The study was promoted through Indigenous organizations in Ottawa, as well as community partners such as community health centres, homeless drop-in centres and Larga Baffin, and also reached out to Akwesasne and Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation. Stories collected were 70% First Nations, 7% First Nations non-status, 18% Inuit and 5% Métis.
Projects 2019
There are two primary projects in 2019:
InEquity Framework
Contributing to the “Planning from an Indigenous Lens” Symposium.