Red Dress Day
Red Dress Day
On May 3rd 2024, the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition (OAC) invites community members to come together and recognize Red Dress Day (Officially recognized on May 5th, 2024). On May 5th, we commemorate the National Day of Awareness, a time dedicated to preventing violence against Indigenous women, also known as Red Dress Day.
The OAC will host an event focused on education and remembrance, aimed at shedding light on the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) across Canada. We invite all community members to come, learn and become part of the actions needed to end violence against Indigenous women and girls in Ottawa.
Who We Are:
The OAC is an alliance of Indigenous-led service-based organizations. Our member organizations are seeking experienced and dedicated candidates to deliver front-line programs and services to Indigenous people living in the National Capital Region.
​10:00AM: Lighting the Sacred Fire
10:00 – 3:00 PM To honour and commemorate Missing and Murdered
Indigenous Women and Girls, there will be educational
displays, art displays, commemoration activities and
interactive, creative activities.
May 3, 2024
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST
Jean Pigott Place, City Hall
110 Laurier Ave West, Ottawa, ON
Official Program:
12:00 – 1:15 PM Food will be provided including beef stew, three sisters
salad with Bannock and Cedar Tea.
12:00 PM Opening the Circle – Big Drum Group
Opening Prayer – OAC Elders
12:10 PM Welcome – Mary Daoust and Mikki Adams, OAC Co-Chairs
- Creating a Circle of Protection and Love
- Dressing the Jingle Dress
- Jingle Dress Dancers
- Women’s Hand Drum
Recognizing the Healing work in the Community
- Acknowledging the Indigenous Women’s Safety Table
- Gifting the Dress to Minwaashin Lodge
- Message from ONWA Executive Director Cora McGuire-Cyrette
1:00 PM Honour Songs
- Inuit Throat Singers and the Big Drum
- Elders Closing
Wellness Resources
There is a national, toll-free 24/7 crisis call line providing mental health support for anyone who requires emotional assistance related to missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people. For assistance, call 1-844-413-6649.
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line: 1-855-242-3310
Talk4Healing: 1-855-554-4325
Overview of Indigenous Organizations in Ottawa:
Red Dress Day Pictures
How can we help promote the event?Please share the event posters and media materials through your distribution channels, communications, and social media. Click on the the "share this event" icons on this page to share to your social media.
Is there an agenda for the event?Yes, an agenda will be posted on the OAC website closer to the event.
Who are the OAC member organizations?We invite you to view the members section on the OAC website here:
Will there be any Elder’s or Traditional Knowledge Keepers at the event?Yes, the Elders coming will be announced closer to the date of the event.