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Strategic Directions


Strategic Direction 1:  To strengthen the governance and administration capacity of the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition. (Governance and Administration)


Strategic Direction 2:  To build capacity in the Indigenous community to respond to the needs identified in the Community. (Capacity Building)

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Strategic Direction 3:  To increase the number of partners who are working with the Aboriginal community to respond to the needs identified in the Community. (Partnership Development)

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Strategic Direction 4: To increase the profile and contribution of the Ottawa Indigenous community to the wider Ottawa community.

Strategic Direction Goals

Strategic Direction 1:

a) Goal – Be a leader on Urban Indigenous Governance as it continues to develop within Ottawa and within the province and federally.

● Chair leadership role provincially and federally

● Participate in discussions about urban Indigenous coalitions, including UAS constructs and other urban Indigenous governance structures.

b) Goal – Ensure that the accountability framework for the OAC includes meaningful community engagement and dynamic communication with the Indigenous community and the general public

● Website

● Community Gatherings twice a year

c) Goal – Support the development of the leadership and management skills of Coalition members and their staff through:

● Algonquin College, or

● Telfer Leadership Institute at Ottawa University

d) Goal – Develop the capacity of the Coalition to work within and measure the work of the Coalition through a collective impact framework.

● Training for the OAC

● Work with the City of Ottawa as the OAC is the backbone organization to the collective impact relationship.

e) Goal – Ensure the sustainability of the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition.

Strategic Direction 2:

a) Goal – Housing/Homelessness Indigenous needs are responded to in Ottawa

● Continue to provide ongoing support to the City of Ottawa ACAB

● Ongoing monitoring of Housing First and affordable initiatives.


b) Goal – Health needs for Indigenous people are responded to in Ottawa.

● Provide support in the establishment of the Ottawa Indigenous Health Strategy for Ottawa as a way to directly respond to the health needs of Indigenous people in Ottawa.


c) Goal - Mental Health needs for Indigenous people are responded to in Ottawa

● To continue to use and build on the Model of Cultural competency developed as part of the previous mental health

● Ongoing relationships with mental health partners


d) Goal - Education needs for Indigenous children and youth are responded to in Ottawa

● To work with the School Boards through the OAC sub-committee to focus on key goals established with the Coalition.


e) Goal – Respond to issues as needs arise within the Indigenous community and respond to new initiatives that arise.

Strategic Direction 3:

a) Goal - Through the Aboriginal Working Committee, continue to build on the strong working relationships at the City of Ottawa and the implementation of the annual joint work plan between the OAC and the City of Ottawa.

● Annual work plan

● Implement the evaluation recommendations.

● Implement the results based accountability framework developed by the Aboriginal Working Committee.


b) Goal – Work with the school boards to increase their ability to graduate Indigenous students and to ensure that Aboriginal students have a successful learning experience.

● The establishment and maintenance of an effective working relationship of the Indigenous Education Committee

● Ongoing support to the Indigenous organizations doing Early Childhood Development.


c) Goal – Amplify the Indigenous voice within the United Way so that the United Way can better support the Indigenous community

● Ensure that the United Way continues to have an Indigenous representative on the UW board of directors and maintain an ongoing relationship with the Indigenous board member.

● Support the United Way to increase investments for capacity building and programming in Aboriginal organizations.


d) Goal – The work of the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition continues to be supported under the Ontario’s Urban Aboriginal Action Plan.

Strategic Direction 4:

a) Goal – Increase the profile and story of the contribution of the Ottawa Aboriginal community

● History project through OFIFC

● Participate in Ottawa 2017

● Communication Plan: Many communication Tools in action. (Advertise all Aboriginal services, Website, Facebook, Education Campaign, Newsletter, pamphlets, videos on Youtube, Media Campaign, Kiosks at Events, ad on APTN, posters throughout the community, make tools available to the community)

● Dynamic Website (track usage, interactive)


b) Goal – Increase the understanding of the role of Elders in the community and ways of working with the Elders

● Elder’s Protocol

● Elder’s list and profiles on the website

● Elder Luncheons


c) Goal – Increase Indigenous youth’s engagement in the community.

● Youth Networking opportunity

● Partnerships with Youth organizations

● OAC Website have a element that is youth focused

● Coordinate youth participating in Ottawa events under OAC banner.

● Establish youth forums that focuses on art.


d) Goal - Increase the profile and contribution of the Indigenous business community in addressing Indigenous community needs.

● Increase the number of Indigenous businesses on the OAC website

● Profile Indigenous businesses to the broader community

● Connect Indigenous businesses to addressing key needs in the community, particularly for children and youth.

Many of the issues that need to be addressed in the Indigenous community are interconnected. Health concerns are directly related to the quality of housing. Mental health issues are related to intergenerational trauma, colonization and the legacy of residential schools. The OAC responds to the priority areas for the community while recognizing that all of the issues are interconnected.

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Using the Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Life Cycle Wheel, the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition recognizes that each stage of life requires specific supports to respond to their unique needs

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"Spirit Teacher"


"Life Teacher"








Young Adult

"Work of the People"

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