OAC Community Forum - February 8, 2017
Event Overview
We are delighted to invite you to the Aboriginal Community Forum hosted by the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition and the UAS-Ottawa Steering Committee. This event aims to foster meaningful discussions and gather your invaluable input as we navigate the future of our community initiatives.
Purpose of the Forum
The forum serves as a platform for collaboration and relationship-building among community members and partners. Together, we aim to explore ways to enhance opportunities for our children and youth and ensure positive outcomes for the Aboriginal community in Ottawa.
OAC Community Forum Booklet
This document provides an overview of the OAC and its community initiatives, including welcome remarks from the OAC and Mayor Jim Watson, updates from various member organizations, the agenda for an Aboriginal Community Forum, and reports on significant projects and collaborations related to housing, employment, health, and education.
Additional Materials:
Key Updates:
Challenges in 2016: The OAC was unable to hold a Community Gathering in 2016 due to changes in funding and program direction from the federal and provincial governments. The new Liberal government is re-evaluating the Urban Aboriginal Program, which funds the OAC.
Funding and Partnerships: Funding was confirmed in November 2016, allowing the organization to organize the current gathering. The provincial government has ceased funding the Coalition but has consulted on a new Urban Aboriginal Initiative, to which the OAC has contributed.
Community Engagement Activities: The OAC remained active throughout 2016, engaging in:
- Consultations with the federal government regarding the Urban Aboriginal Strategy.
- Participation in the City of Ottawa’s Aboriginal Working Committee and the Aboriginal Community Advisory Committee (ACAB) for Housing First.
- Coordination of an Aboriginal Awareness Day and participation in cross-cultural workshops.
- Hosting two Elder’s lunches and a youth gathering for input on the Urban Aboriginal Health Strategy.
- Collaboration with Canada 2017 for the 150-year celebrations.
- Seeking new partnerships and funding opportunities. -
Strategic Plan Update: The OAC updated its strategic plan to better reflect its goals for community work and to strengthen relationships with other Urban Aboriginal Strategy sites at both provincial and national levels.
Homelessness Project: Confirmation of funding for a homelessness project through the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres, along with a successful funding agreement with Indigenous and Northern Affairs.
Commitment to Community: Maracle expressed gratitude to community partners and reaffirmed the OAC’s commitment to working on behalf of the Aboriginal community in Ottawa.
Areas of Focus:
History Project: Engagement in discussions surrounding the OAC’s History Project as a means to preserve and share Aboriginal heritage.
Urban Aboriginal Program: Advocacy for a well-structured Urban Aboriginal Program that effectively supports the needs of the community amid government changes.
Community Engagement and Consultation: Continuing participation in federal and provincial consultations to ensure the Aboriginal community's voice is heard in the development of new initiatives.
Support for Urban Aboriginal Initiatives: Focus on strengthening partnerships with local governments and organizations to support urban Aboriginal initiatives and enhance service delivery.
Homelessness and Health Strategies: Addressing homelessness in the Aboriginal community and contributing to the Urban Aboriginal Health Strategy through community input.
Cultural Awareness: Promoting Aboriginal culture through events and activities that foster cross-cultural understanding and awareness.
Strategic Development: Updating and implementing the strategic plan to align with community needs and aspirations.
Building Relationships: Establishing new funding opportunities and partnerships to sustain and grow the Coalition's impact within the community.
The OAC is thankful to collaborate with several elders in Ottawa. During the community forum, three elders delivered opening and closing remarks for the event. Their biographies are provided below.