The need is great, our ask is small.
This holiday season, the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition and its member organizations are working to provide support to Indigenous families and individuals in need. OAC member organizations are aiming to distribute:
Food hampers for 800 Community Members
Presents for Children (Ages 0-18)
300 presents to Support Women Living in the Violence Against Women Shelter and for those experiencing homelessness
Support an Entire Family with presents and food
To achieve this, they need your help! Donations and volunteers are crucial for the success of these efforts. Here are current opportunities to support these initiatives:

Current Opportunities for Donations and Volunteering:
Gignul provides housing support for Aboriginal people at risk of losing their homes or those who are currently homeless.
Donation: No direct donation link available
How to Donate: Donate to the OAC Foundation to support any of the OAC member organizations, or specify which organization you would like your donation to benefit.
Volunteering: N/A
Inuit Non-Profit Housing Corporation (INPHC) works to provide safe, affordable housing for Inuit and Indigenous families.
Donation: No direct donation link available
How to Donate: Donate to the OAC Foundation to support any of the OAC member organizations, or specify which organization you would like your donation to benefit.
Volunteering: N/A
The Centre serves Inuit children, youth, and families in Ottawa, offering a supportive environment to foster cultural pride and well-being.
Food Hampers: Donations of non-perishable food items needed
Support an Entire Family with Presents and Food
Volunteers for Community Party: Event Page
Direct Donation Link: Inuuqatigiit Centre Donation
Kagita Mikam provides employment and training services to eligible Aboriginal peoples in Ottawa.
Food Hampers: Gift cards for students (80 needed)
Volunteers for Community Party
Donation: No direct donation link available
How to Donate: Donate to the OAC Foundation to support any of the OAC member organizations, or specify which organization you would like your donation to benefit.
Makonsag provides culturally-enriched preschool education for Aboriginal children, fostering growth and development in a supportive environment.​
Food Hampers: Donations of non-perishable food items needed
Presents for Children (0-18 years): Donations of new, unwrapped gifts needed
Direct Donation Link: Makonsag Donation
​Minwaashin Lodge offers programs and services to Indigenous women and children (regardless of status) who are survivors of domestic violence, supporting their healing journey.
Food Hampers: Donations of non-perishable food items needed
Presents for Children (0-18 years): Donations of new, unwrapped gifts needed
Presents for Women in Shelters and Experiencing Homelessness: 300 presents needed
Volunteers for Wrapping Presents, Preparing Hampers, and Distribution
Direct Donation Link: Minwaashin Lodge Donation
Odawa Native Friendship Centre has been supporting urban Indigenous families for nearly 45 years by offering culturally relevant programs and resources.
Food Hampers: Donations of non-perishable food items needed
Presents for Children (0-18 years): Donations of new, unwrapped gifts needed
Volunteers for Community Party
Volunteers for Wrapping Presents, Preparing Hampers, and Distribution
Direct Donation Link: Odawa Native Friendship Centre Donation
Tewegan Housing provides transitional housing and support for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis women (ages 16-29) who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Direct Donation Link: Tewegan Housing Donation
Volunteering: N/A
How to Donate: Donate to the OAC Foundation to support any of the OAC member organizations, or specify which organization you would like your donation to benefit.
How You Can Help:
Donate: Your contributions—whether in the form of food, presents, or financial donations—have a direct impact on Indigenous families and individuals this holiday season.
Volunteer: Offer your time and skills by helping with community events, wrapping presents, or preparing food hampers.
Spread the Word: Share this page with friends, family, and colleagues to help gather more support for these initiatives.
Your support, whether through donations or volunteering, is essential to making the holiday season brighter for Indigenous families and individuals in our community. Thank you for making a difference!
Need assistance with your donation or have any questions?
Contact Julie Aziz at
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