Elders & Knowledge Keepers
The Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition recognizes that Elders, Senators and Traditional Knowledge Holders carry an important role in our communities. They are the keepers of sacred stories, songs, language, culture and traditions. The OAC works with a number of Elders, Métis Senators and Traditional Knowledge Holders as they are a foundational piece in serving our community.
Requesting an Elder, Senator or a Traditional Knowledge Holder
If you are uncertain or have further questions, please feel free to connect with us via email. All requests will go through the Administrative Coordinator to ensure that they are done in an appropriate manner that follows the protocol of the Elder, Métis Senator and Traditional Knowledge Holder. To learn more about the Elders, Métis Senators and Traditional Knowledge Holders the OAC has worked with click on the photos below to view biographies.
Current Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers