Save The Trees
The Need
Community members expressed the urgent need for urban Indigenous people to have land-based programming in the Ottawa to restore balance and health.
What We Did
The OAC has requested that the City of Ottawa reconsider their decision to cut down 750 trees for the new Ottawa Hospital. Instead the land be used as a Reconciliation Space for Indigenous people in the City of Ottawa and remain an open public space for all citizens of Ottawa. It can be a symbol of the City’s ongoing commitment to the urban Indigenous people who make Ottawa their home and to true reconciliation with Indigenous people.
Trees are significant to the health and wellbeing of all people and for Indigenous people, trees are referred to as the standing people, and are acknowledged as our relations. They are our teachers and healers, givers and providers.
Timeline Overview
What We Did
On February 14th, 2022 the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition respectfully requested that the City of Ottawa reconsider the decision to support the cutting of up to 750 trees for the new Ottawa Hospital.
Who We Met With
On March 7th, 2022 OAC Members met with representatives of the Ottawa Hospital to ask them to reconsider their decision.
Where We Are Now
We have produced a video that we hope will help everyone understand why this is important and we ask for your help.
Next Steps
Contact the Ottawa Hospital, the City of Ottawa Mayor and Councillors, and the National Capital Commission to support our call for a moratorium on cutting any trees until we can look at options that reflect the needs of urban Indigenous people in Ottawa and all Ottawa citizens.