Save the Trees
The Need
Community members have highlighted the urgent necessity for land-based programming that supports urban Indigenous peoples in Ottawa, fostering balance and promoting health.
What We Did
The Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition formally requested that the City of Ottawa reconsider its decision to remove 750 trees for the construction of the new Ottawa Hospital. We propose that this land be transformed into a Reconciliation Space for Indigenous peoples in Ottawa, preserving it as an open public area accessible to all citizens. This initiative would symbolize the City’s ongoing commitment to its urban Indigenous residents and represent a genuine step toward reconciliation.
Trees hold significant importance for the health and well-being of all communities. For Indigenous peoples, trees are regarded as "standing people," recognized as our relations, teachers, and healers, essential to our sustenance and spiritual well-being.
Letter & Video
Timeline Overview
What We Did
On February 14, 2022, the Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition formally requested that the City of Ottawa reassess its decision regarding the removal of up to 750 trees for the new hospital.
Who We Met With
On March 7, 2022, OAC members engaged with representatives of the Ottawa Hospital to discuss the need for reconsideration of this decision.mplementing effective systemic changes across all aspects of Indigenous life.
Where We Are Now
We have produced a video aimed at raising awareness about the importance of this issue, and we seek your support in advocating for our cause.
Next Steps
We urge you to reach out to the Ottawa Hospital, the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Ottawa, and the National Capital Commission to advocate for a moratorium on the removal of any trees. This pause would allow us to explore options that address the needs of urban Indigenous peoples in Ottawa and benefit all residents of the city.